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Topics in Chinese Linguistics
CZH301 热情 vs 热烈 (5:44)
CZH301.e Exercises (4:16)
CZH302 Omission of measure words (11:51)
CZH302.e Exercises (6:05)
CZH303 宁可 vs 不如 (5:53)
CZH303.e Exercises (3:43)
CZH304 Object in subject position (12:20)
CZH304.e Exercises (2:49)
CZH305 进行 and 加以 (16:39)
CZH305.e Exercises (2:48)
CZH306 一个半月 vs 一年半 (15:22)
CZH306.e Exercises (2:55)
CZH307 Another one (7:16)
CZH307.e Exercises (2:05)
CZH308 3 Multiple third tones (14:06)
CZH308.e Exercises (3:47)
CZH309 In-depth - Why tone sandhi (8:28)
CZH309.e Exercises (2:46)
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CZH309.e Exercises
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