第10课 双人活动、写作

➊ 联系你的语言同伴 (language partner)*。

➋ 跟你的语言同伴谈谈这些问题,写下一些笔记:

  • 你知道“四大发明”是什么吗?
  • 你觉得哪些发明改变了我们的生活?

➌ 写一段话,题目是 “发明”。请写在下面的comment里面。只用10分钟时间,尽量快快地写。想到什么就写什么。写错了也没关系。

➍ 点"Complete and continue"


* NOTE: A language partner is someone you can practice Chinese with. You need a language partner to complete pair activities. If you don't have a language partner, you can go to iTalki or HelloTalk, sign up, indicate that are English-speaking and looking for a Chinese speaker. Their system will allow you to find Chinese speakers who are also trying to learn English. You can then exchange contact and do language exchange over Skype or chat. Oftentimes you talk half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese to make it a free and equitable exchange.

Complete and Continue  