第10课 扩展视频

Task 1

➊ Please go to our Chinese Zero To Hero Dictionary

Look up any word that you've learned in this lesson.

Scroll down to the "TV Show" section. You can watch YouTube videos that contain this particular word and see how it's being used.

  • Tip: When you see a word that you don't know, hover your mouse over it to see a popup dictionary. Click on the ✩ to save the word.

➍ Use the navigation bar above the video player to scroll through subtitles or switch to another video.


Task 2

➊ 请前往 Chinese Zero to Hero 网站的 Expansion Videos for HSK 5 Lesson 10

➋ 看完每个视频,并学习视频中的词汇。

  • 提示:用鼠标 hover 在单词上时会出现 popup 词典。看到不会的单词,点击 ✩ 。

➌ 看完所有视频后,回来点击“Complete and continue"。

Disclaimer: Due to YouTube being blocked in China, there’s a limited amount of videos with Chinese subtitles. We will be periodically updating the video list when new or better videos pop up. If you stumble upon a YouTube video (with Chinese cc) that you think will benefit fellow students, feel free to let us know

Either way, you can study YouTube videos with Chinese subtitle using our online tool

Some Suggested Reading Tools

Here are some tools you can try to make reading easier:

Complete and Continue  