New HSK 7-9 Course
All 144 grammar points, and the first 1,166 words according to the new HSK 7-9 curriculum (2021)
After purchasing this course, all the future videos added will be free of charge. We'll be constantly adding new words and grammar points into this course!
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Your Instructor
If you choose this course, my voice will be ringing in your ears until you become a Chinese master. As a native Mandarin speaker from Xi'an China, I am dedicated to provide the highest quality of online Mandarin Chinese learning experience.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewG001 需 (5:41)
PreviewG002 何 (4:19)
PreviewG002 何(后续) (1:34)
StartG003 该、另、兹 (7:24)
StartG003 该、令、兹(后续) (4:58)
StartG004 (1) 栋、粒、枚、则、盏 (12:41)
PreviewG004 (2) 人次 (2:44)
PreviewG005 极为 (2:15)
PreviewG006 尽 (2:29)
StartG007 蛮 (2:42)
StartG008 颇 (2:35)
StartG009 稍稍 (5:19)
StartG009 稍稍(后续) (0:54)
StartG010 尤为 (5:56)
StartG011 越发 (6:13)
StartG011 越发(后续) (6:59)
StartG012 凡 (19:11)
StartG013 皆 (4:34)
StartG013 皆(后续) (1:36)
StartG013 皆(后续2) (6:32)
StartG014 统统 (10:56)
StartG015 唯独 (24:32)
StartG016 即 (8:32)
StartG017 历来 (15:03)
StartG018 尚 (7:36)
StartG019 向来 (8:42)
StartG020 频频 (10:11)
StartG020 频频(后续) (1:20)
StartG021 再度 (7:25)
StartG022 亦 (10:05)
StartG023 未 (8:24)
StartG024 勿 (5:34)
StartG025 不由得 (7:40)
StartG026 顺便 (8:48)
StartG027 一连 (7:17)
StartG028 按说 (12:12)
StartG029 必定 (5:05)
StartG030 不妨 (7:58)
StartG031 何必 (7:36)
StartG032 莫非 (9:32)
StartG033 白白 (14:54)
StartG034 反倒 (10:46)
StartG035 分明 (10:08)
StartG036 怪不得 (6:16)
StartG037 好在 (5:47)
StartG038 乃 (14:29)
StartG039 难怪 (8:02)
StartG040 偏偏 (11:20)
StartG041 索性 (7:37)
StartG042 万万 (10:35)
StartG043 未免 (9:08)
StartG044 无非 (29:16)
StartG045 幸好 (9:18)
StartG046 幸亏 (8:46)
StartG048 顺着 (15:59)
StartG047 终究 (21:28)
StartG049 当着 (9:59)
StartG050 就 (4:51)
StartG051 趁 (6:38)
StartG052 基于 (26:31)
StartG053 依 (11:07)
StartG054 及 (5:03)
StartG055 继而、要不是(1) (6:42)
StartG055 继而、要不是(2) (7:26)
StartG056 之 (7:34)
StartG057 而已 (4:01)
StartG058 矣 (4:07)
StartG059 数词+量词+抽象事物 (16:22)
StartG060 爱A不A (8:56)
StartG061 半A半B (9:43)
StartG062 东A西B (9:29)
StartG063 非A非B (8:37)
StartG064 忽A忽B (11:57)
StartG065 连A带B (9:06)
StartG066 时A时B (7:38)
StartG067 自A自B (7:37)
StartG068 巴不得 (40:14)
StartG069 别提了 (17:16)
StartG070 除此之外 (10:41)
StartG071 归根到底 (15:13)
StartG072 可不是 (13:48)
StartG073 没说的 (6:14)
StartG074 无论如何 (12:10)
StartG075 由此可见 (6:42)
StartG076 与此同时 (16:42)
StartG077 这样一来 (18:37)
StartG078 综上所述 (12:14)
StartG079 (1) 总的来说 (5:39)
StartG079 (2) 总而言之 (3:42)
StartG080 不知……好 (16:32)
StartG081 所谓……就是…… (3:46)
StartG082 无非/不过/只不过/只是……而已/罢了 (19:29)
StartG083 以……为…… (7:09)
StartG083 以……为……(后续) (7:32)
StartG084 因……而…… (5:22)
StartG085 (1) 方式宾语 (12:30)
StartG085 (2) 工具宾语 (4:49)
StartG085 (3) 材料宾语 (12:39)
StartG085 (4) 目的宾语 (10:12)
StartG086 (1) 形容词 or 动词+得+不行 (4:05)
StartG086 (2) 形容词 or 动词+得+要命 or 要死 (8:13)
StartG087 状态补语3:“个”引导的补语 (15:03)
StartG088 “把”字句5:表致使 (4:58)
StartG089 被……所…… (4:08)
StartG090 (1) 比起……(来) (4:06)
StartG090 (2) A+形容词+于+B (5:30)
StartG090 (3) A+ 比+名词+还+名词 (10:15)
StartG091 一面……, 一面…… (9:45)
StartG092 ……, 此后…… (1:54)
StartG093 起初……,……才…… (7:48)
StartG094 (1) 别说……连…… (36:25)
StartG094 (2) 别说……即使…… (14:41)
StartG095 ……,何况…… (13:30)
StartG096 ……,进而…… (4:42)
StartG097 ……, 况且…… (7:25)
StartG098 连……,更不用说…… (10:30)
StartG099 ……,乃至…… (27:19)
StartG100 ……,且…… (4:14)
StartG101 ……,甚至于…… (8:27)
StartG102 或……,或…… (11:04)
StartG103 宁可/宁愿……,也…… (10:01)
StartG104, G105 与其……,不如…… (10:14)
StartG106 ……,而……(则)…… (9:40)
StartG107 ……,……倒/反倒…… (11:08)
StartG108 倘若/若……,…… (9:58)
StartG109 倘若/假设/假使/若……,就/那(么)…… (7:03)
StartG110 幸亏……,要不然/不然/要不/否则…… (9:02)
StartG111 别管……,都…… (5:50)
StartG112 任……,也…… (6:48)
StartG112 任(补充) (5:44)
StartG113 (因)……,故…… (7:02)
StartG114 鉴于……,…… (8:46)
StartG115 (由于)……,以致…… (7:26)
StartG116 ……,以至于…… (6:45)
StartG117 之所以……,是因为/是由于…… (9:36)
StartG118, G119 固然……,也…… (8:42)
StartG120 即便……,也…… (11:58)
StartG121 虽说……,但是/可是/不过…… (7:09)
StartG122 纵然……,也…… (4:42)
StartG123 ……,以…… (8:09)
StartG124 ……,以免/免得…… (6:41)
StartG125 ……,也就是说…… (9:48)
StartG126 紧缩复句 (10:24)
StartG127 动词(+宾语1) +就+动词(+宾语1) ,别…… (11:17)
StartG128 三重或三重以上的复句 (7:13)
StartG129 何必/何苦……呢? (10:11)
StartG130 (不过/但/可是)话又说回来,…… (9:11)
StartG131 X(也)不是,不X也不是 (10:50)
StartG132 X也好/也罢, Y也好/也罢 (10:20)
StartG133 X了又Y,Y了又X (7:33)
StartG134 X也X不……,Y也Y不…… (6:14)
StartG135 别提(有)多X了 (10:10)
StartG136 不知X的 (7:04)
StartG137 话(说)是这么说, 不过/可/可是…… (10:51)
StartG138 看/瞧你那(X)样 (9:13)
StartG139 看在X的面子上 (10:37)
StartG140 (1) 哪有X这么Y的/有X这样Y的吗 (11:30)
StartG140 (2) 有这样...的吗 (2:05)
StartG141 什么X的Y的 (11:24)
StartG142 说到/想到哪儿去了 (12:13)
StartG143 无所谓X不X (10:57)
StartG144 要X有/没X , 要Y有/没Y (16:43)
Available in
after you enroll
Start0001 阿拉伯语 (3:56)
Start0002 哎 (0:22)
Start0003 哎呀 (1:40)
Start0004 哀求 (2:08)
Start0005 挨家挨户 (1:29)
Start0006 癌 (0:47)
Start0007 癌症 (1:38)
Start0008 艾滋病 (1:20)
Start0009 唉 (1:43)
Start0010 爱不释手 (2:08)
Start0011 爱理不理 (3:01)
Start0012 爱面子 (4:09)
Start0013 爱惜 (2:39)
Start0014 碍事 (2:01)
Start0015 安定 (2:13)
Start0016 安抚 (3:25)
Start0017 安眠药 (3:34)
Start0018 安宁 (3:02)
Start0019 安稳 (2:08)
Start0019 安稳 (2:08)
Start0020 安心 (7:15)
Start0021 安逸 (3:50)
Start0022 按键 (2:43)
Start0023 按理说 (3:00)
Start0024 按说 (3:54)
Start0025 案件 (3:07)
Start0026 暗地里 (2:32)
Start0027 暗杀 (1:54)
Start0028 暗中 (2:25)
Start0029 昂贵 (5:56)
Start0030 凹 (3:35)
Start0033 傲 (2:01)
Start0036 奥运会 (3:45)
Start0031 熬 (3:40)
Start0032 熬夜 (6:19)
Start0035 奥秘 (4:38)
Start0034 傲慢 (2:38)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Get started now!
In China?
We accept WeChat Pay and Alipay. Please add our WeChat - we'll give you the pricing and instructions. (please be patient with response time due to time difference)
- WeChat ID: kendai9