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HSK 1 Course A - Beginner Mandarin Chinese
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Lesson 1 - Hello 你好
HSK1.01 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (10:39)
HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.1 - Pronouncing the vowels o and e
HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.2 - Understanding the 4 tones and the neutral tone
HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.3 - Chinese Syllables
HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.4 - Pronouncing two 3rd tones together
HSK1.01 Activity, Assignment and Project
HSK 1.01 Language Player Activities
Lesson 2 - Thank You 谢谢你
HSK1.02 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (4:29)
HSK1.02 Pronunciation - Putting tone marks on the right letter
HSK1.02 Pronunciation - Pronouncing iu, ui and un
HSK1.02 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.02 Language Player Activities
Lesson 3 - What's Your Name 你叫什么名字
HSK1.03 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (10:09)
HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.1 - Asking "what" with 什么 (4:41)
HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.2 - Expressing "to be" with 是 (3:12)
HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.3 - Asking yes or no questions with 吗 (3:39)
HSK1.03 Pronunciation - Pronouncing j, q and x
HSK1.03 Pronunciation - Pronouncing zi, ci and si
HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.2 - Pronouncing ü and ue
HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.3 - Pronouncing the character 不
HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.4 - Omitting the 2 dots on ü
HSK1.03 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.03 Language Player Activities
Lesson 4 - She's My Chinese Teacher 她是我的汉语老师
HSK1.04 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:17)
HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.1 - Asking who and which with 谁, 哪 (6:08)
HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.2 - Expressing "of" with 的 (4:28)
HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.3 - 呢 - Part 1 (Expressing "What About") (3:25)
HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.1 - Pronouncing zhi, chi, shi and ri
HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.2 - Pronouncing n and ng consonants
HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.3 - Pronouncing the character 一
HSK1.04 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.04 Language Player Activities
Lesson 5 - Her daughter is 20 years old this year 她女儿今年二十岁
HSK1.05 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:12)
HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.1 - Asking "how many" with 几 (2:55)
HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.2 - Counting from 1 to 99 (5:27)
HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.3 - Expressing change with 了 (2:30)
HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.4 - Asking age with 多大 (3:19)
HSK1.05 Pronunciation 1.5.1 - Pronouncing er and using erhua
HSK1.05 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.05 Language Player Activities
Lesson 6 - I can speak Chinese 我会说汉语
HSK1.06 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (7:54)
HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.1 - 会 - Part 1 (Expressing “know how to") (3:05)
HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.2 - Describing things with Adjectives (3:16)
HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.3 - Asking "how" with 怎么 - Part 1 (2:24)
HSK1.06 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.06 Language Player Activities
Lesson 7 - What's the date today 今天几号
HSK1.07 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (7:31)
HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.1 - Telling dates - Part 1 (4:38)
HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.2 - Omission of 是 "to be" when expressing age and time (2:36)
HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.3 - Expressing consecutive actions 去 + location + V - Part 1 (2:59)
HSK1.07 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.07 Language Player Activities
Lesson 8 - I'd like some tea 我想喝茶
HSK1.08 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:47)
HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.1 - Expressing "to want" with 想 (2:16)
HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.2 - Asking "how much" with 多少 (3:22)
HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.3 - Expressing quantities with measure words 个 and 口 (3:33)
HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.4 - Expressing amounts of money (3:05)
HSK1.08 Activity, Homework and Project
HSK 1.08 Language Player Activities
Lessons 9-15 - See Course B
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