Language Player
To aid you on your language learning journey, it is highly recommended to immerse yourself in the language; be that with videos, books, or any other forms of content. In doing so, you will become accustomed to the language being used in a natural setting, along with building up an intuition on how to use it.
One of the most effective ways of consuming content is through videos with transcripts. You receive both audio and visual input at the same time, as you listen and read what is being said.
Our tool, Language Player, developed by Jon (co-founder of Chinese Zero to Hero) can aid you with this. It provides an interactive transcript that underlines verbs, a pop-up dictionary, English translations, the ability to save words to study later, and more.
Language Player is an app that has expanded to cover over 200 languages. You can sign up for free to use our app, but you will be restricted to seeing only the first 10 lines of a video's transcript and are only able to see only 2 examples of words in videos. Upgrading to a Pro Account will remove these restrictions. For more information, check out the video below or view Language Player's homepage.
We recommend that after each lesson you spend 3 hours in Language Player engaging with Chinese content. As optional content for HSK1, we recommend watching the reality show Relationship 3 on Language Player. If you would like other shows, you can filter content that is recommended for HSK1 (In Language Player, under Media > TV Shows > set level to HSK1). Language Player is optional content for this course.