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HSK 2 Course A - Beginner Mandarin Chinese
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Grammar Reference Cheatsheet (2:26)
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Lesson 1 - 九月去北京旅游最好 September is the best time to visit Beijing
HSK2.01 Warm-Up (3:37)
HSK2.01 Vocabulary (7:42)
Quiz on Vocabulary 1
HSK2.01 Character Worksheet
HSK2.01 Grammar 2.1.1 - Expressing intentions with 要 (7:35)
Quiz on Grammar 2.1.1
HSK2.01 Grammar 2.1.2 - Expressing "the most" with 最 (3:48)
Quiz on Grammar 2.1.2
HSK2.01 Grammar 2.1.3 - Expressing approximate numbers with 几、多 (7:45)
Quiz on Grammar 2.1.3
Activity, Homework and Project 1
Lesson 2 - 我每天六点起床 I get up at six every day
HSK2.02 Warm-Up (2:39)
HSK2.02 Vocabulary (5:30)
Quiz on Vocabulary 2
HSK2.02 Character Worksheet
HSK2.02 Grammar 2.2.1 - Yes or no questions with V不V or A不A (4:02)
Quiz on Grammar 2.2.1
HSK2.02 Grammar 2.2.2 - Expressing "every" with 每 (3:45)
Quiz on Grammar 2.2.2
HSK2.02 Grammar 2.2.3 - Asking “how much” with 多 (3:20)
Quiz on Grammar 2.2.3
Activity, Homework and Project 2
HSK 2.2 Language Player
Lesson 3 - 左边那个红色的是我的 The red one on the left is mine
HSK2.03 Warm-Up (2:55)
HSK2.03 Vocabulary (5:55)
Quiz on Vocabulary 3
HSK2.03 Character Worksheet
HSK2.03 Grammar 2.3.1 - Omitting nouns after 的 (6:46)
Quiz on Grammar 2.3.1
HSK2.03 Grammar 2.3.2 - Expressing short actions with 一下 (3:15)
Quiz on Grammar 2.3.2
HSK2.03 Grammar 2.3.3 - Expressing "very" or "truly" with 真 (4:31)
Quiz on Grammar 2.3.3
Activity, Homework and Project 3
HSK 2.3 Language Player
Lesson 4 - 这个工作是他帮我介绍的 He recommended me for this job
HSK2.04 Warm-Up (3:15)
HSK2.04 Vocabulary (4:53)
Quiz on Vocabulary 4
HSK2.04 Character Worksheet
HSK2.04 Grammar 2.4.1 - Emphasizing the subject with 是……的 (5:35)
Quiz on Grammar 2.4.1
HSK2.04 Grammar 2.4.2 - Indicating time with ……的时候 (4:55)
Quiz on Grammar 2.4.2
HSK2.04 Grammar 2.4.3 - Expressing "already" with 已经 (4:21)
Quiz on Grammar 2.4.3
Activity, Homework and Project 4
HSK 2.4 Language Player
Lesson 5 - 就买这件吧 Take this one
HSK2.05 Warm-Up (2:41)
HSK2.05 Vocabulary (6:35)
Quiz on Vocabulary 5
HSK2.05 Character Worksheet
HSK2.05 Grammar 2.5.1 - Drawing conclusions with 就 "just (do this) then" (4:15)
Quiz on Grammar 2.5.1
HSK2.05 Grammar 2.5.2 - Expressing "so so" with 还 (Part 1) (3:36)
Quiz on Grammar 2.5.2
HSK2.05 Grammar 2.5.3 - Expressing "a bit" with 有点儿 (4:52)
Quiz on Grammar 2.5.3
Activity, Homework and Project 5
HSK 2.5 Language Player
Lesson 6 - 你怎么不吃了 Why don't you eat more
HSK2.06 Warm-Up (2:23)
HSK2.06 Vocabulary (5:43)
Quiz on Vocabulary 6
HSK2.06 Character Worksheet
HSK2.06 Grammar 2.6.1 - Asking "how come" with 怎么 (9:24)
Quiz on Grammar 2.6.1
HSK2.06 Grammar 2.6.2 - Expressing "every" with MM都 (4:10)
Quiz on Grammar 2.6.2
HSK2.06 Grammar 2.6.3 - Expressing "because... so" with 因为……所以 (4:05)
Quiz on Grammar 2.6.3
Activity, Homework and Project 6
HSK 2.6 Language Player
Lesson 7 - 你家离公司远吗 Do you live far from your company
HSK2.07 Warm-Up (2:58)
HSK2.07 Vocabulary (5:58)
Quiz on Vocabulary 7
HSK2.07 Character Worksheet
HSK2.07 Grammar 2.7.1 - Expressing "still" and "yet" with 还 (Part 2) (5:01)
Quiz on Grammar 2.7.1
HSK2.07 Grammar 2.7.2 - Expressing "as early as," "as quickly as" with 就 (4:04)
Quiz on Grammar 2.7.2
HSK2.07 Grammar 2.7.3 - Indicating distance with 离 (4:13)
Quiz on Grammar 2.7.3
HSK2.07 Grammar 2.7.4 - Adding emphasis with 呢 (5:06)
Quiz on Grammar 2.7.4
Activity, Homework and Project 7
HSK 2.7 Language Player
Lesson 8 - 让我想想再告诉你 Let me think about it and I'll tell you later
HSK2.08 Warm-Up (3:54)
HSK2.08 Vocabulary (4:43)
Quiz on Vocabulary 8
HSK2.08 Character Worksheet
HSK2.08 Grammar 2.8.1 - Making suggestions with 好吗 (2:37)
Quiz on Grammar 2.8.1
HSK2.08 Grammar 2.8.2 - Expressing "again" with 再 (3:54)
Quiz on Grammar 2.8.2
HSK2.08 Grammar 2.8.3 - Expressing "to invite," "to let," "to ask" with 请, 让, 叫 (4:34)
Quiz on Grammar 2.8.3
HSK2.08 Grammar 2.8.4 - Expressing short actions by doubling the verb (5:03)
Quiz on Grammar 2.8.4
Activity, Homework and Project 8
HSK 2.8 Language Player
Lessons 9-15 - See Course B
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Quiz on Vocabulary 7
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